TEAM CARE MASTERMIND | Tuesday, February 15

What is it?

A virtual 1-day mastermind for your head of people / team lead to strategize on next quarter objectives so they can support you by identifying, proposing and leading implementation of missed opportunities in the realm of team stability, connection and performance.

As the entrepreneur - Instead of carrying the burden of #allthethings when it comes to team success and experience…

…. you will be able to stay focused on your zone of genius, and experience your team member present and propose ideas that will drive your business forward. 

Imagine — feeling like a unit instead of working in silos... no more thinking “what’s the highest priority?”, “are we hitting our goals?” or “are there ways our people could be more set up for success?”

Instead of your team lead feeling like they’re alone on an island…

… they’ll have a community of niche specialists to nerd out on the elements involved in their role, and they’ll be empowered to create solutions / improvements in a collaborative container. 

Imagine — not only will your team feel empowered and excited to provide your business value, they’ll be supported by the highest caliber collective of 7+ figure company peers. 

Mastermind Flow

  • Part 1 | Role Roundtable - attendees will first receive strategies, tactics and perspectives for day-to-day role dynamics so they feel personally set up for success before addressing company objectives.

  • Part 2 | Priority Planning + Project Support Hotseats - where we will confirm current objectives and reverse engineer strategies / initiatives that move the needle in those directions. This can cover whatever feels like the heaviest “lift” - from KPIs/OKRs/other metrics to connection and care opportunities for increasing trust, communication and appreciation (ultimately impacting speed of execution and success for your team).


Prior to the event:

  • We’ll provide a short clarity exercise and multiple-choice diagnostic to audit and identify lowest hanging fruit and areas of opportunity.

During event week:

  • If your company’s (quarterly) planning meeting has already occurred, we will be able to support ideas and implementation plans to accomplish your goals. If you have yet to hold your meeting prior to our mastermind, we will help identify top priorities to present.

  • Based on the priorities surfaced, your team member will opt in for hotseat support around your specific KPIs and obtain strategies to reach your goals.

  • They will also have the option for laser coaching on Team Care skills and scenarios so they’re set up for day-to-day success (i.e. energy management, boundaries, enforcing requests, escalation etiquette, etc)

After the event:

  • They will also have 7 days access to a dedicated slack channel for implementation support following the mastermind.

  • If it feels like a mutual fit for ongoing support, you may be invited to join our annual membership.



How do I know this is for me + my company?

  • You are a 7+ figure entrepreneur

  • You want your team’s support in closing the gap to company growth goals - you desire your team to lean into solution-oriented leadership and propose strategies in their lane so you free up the mental space being used to direct them.

  • You genuinely care about your team and believe that pouring into them by connecting them to their tribe will not only spark results but also support their ability to show up confidently in the role. 

  • This is also for you if you have your systems on lock and/or your team is crushing it, but you want them to be surrounded by a community of like-minded subject matter experts to stay innovative and receive support around team care / management.

  • This is also NOT for you if you don’t believe in the value of your current product / offer, or your offer is too new to have garnered any client results. 

When is it?

Our masterminds are usually held from 10-4pm PST / 1-7pm EST, with an hour for lunch midway. Please email for the next scheduled date(s)

Do I, as the entrepreneur, have to attend?

You’re certainly welcome to, but not at all necessary! We’ve intentionally designed this so your team member can extract strategies on your behalf and you can keep your attention on your zone of genius. We will make sure your top concerns/opportunities are collected in advance of the event so they’re addressed. 

What’s the investment?

Complimentary admission is granted by invitation only, with the expectation that your Team Care lead will attend in full, with requested pre-event exercises submitted at least 24 hours in advance of our session. Invitations to join our paid annual community are pending based on a determination around culture fit.

May I tap people I know who I think could benefit from attending?

Yes, we’d love to connect with them. Please intro them to Jen over at (+ if at some stage they become a paid client, we’ll PayPal you as a thank you!). Formal invitations/waitlist offers will be determined once connected.