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Have you stayed awake at night, gears turning, thinking of how you will get things going, survive, or keep the momentum up?

It's a lot of pressure. As business owners and leaders, we're up against some tough odds.

And, look - I see you hustling - but you and your team (if you have one) don't have to do everything on your own.

In fact, there are a lot of things you shouldn't do solo. And if you are, you're missing opportunities that could make a massive difference in your success.

So you think: Okay, JC, I'll bite... but if it's a no-brainer, why isn't everyone doing it?

Sometimes we simply don't know the different ways we could be working with other businesses. We've seen other people partnering on things but we're not sure how to begin to organize something similar. Or we read something in Forbes about two powerhouse companies coming together on a project, but it doesn't seem to apply to us. 

No worries, I got you.

We’re here to provide the tools and resources to help you understand and spark mutually-beneficial partnerships and collaborative marketing projects. 

So, here's how we're going to set up those win-wins:

(1) We want to help connect you to curated events with like-minded leaders and other opportunities that make sense for you, your business and your goals. Introducing, Go Further Together, your personal concierge to relevant events, conferences, masterminds, Facebook groups, memberships and course/program communities!

(2) Check out the Go Further Together podcast on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher! Hosting entrepreneurs from diverse stages, scale and type of business- we'll cover partnership shortcuts and innovation through collaboration in under 30 minutes. 

(3) Connect with JC on Facebook and Instagram for behind-the-scenes access and updates!

Social media disclaimer: small wins and epic fails are a part of business, so we'll be sharing both ;)  

You game?

Good- because we're going to tackle this together.


Beyond lessening the burden of doing #AllTheThings solo, strategic partnerships offer a lot of potential that you shouldn’t leave on the table:

  • gain exposure to larger quantities of the right people

  • increase sales, cut costs or create another (potentially passive) revenue stream

  • enhance your offering through your partner's participation

  • uplevel your customer experience + encourage engagement

  • establish credibility through partner endorsement

  • up your web presence mojo + SEO rankings

  • free up more time for revenue-generating activities

  • contribute to something bigger than yourself, your entrepreneurial community



  • venue + resource sharing

  • experiential + virtual events

  • social media support + cross-promotions

  • affiliate + referral relationships

  • guest blogging + round up posts

  • webinars + interviews

  • styled shoots + branded materials

  • physical + digital product creation