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Do you have a team, client base or event?

Online or offline - they’re all communities.

Connect and Care for them with JC and her team.


  • Regain a pulse on your people and their needs

    “You can’t serve who you don’t see”

    • Leverage data to create and update your offers, content & marketing

    • Build an informed and intentional partnership/collaboration strategy

  • Increase retention by forcing community ROI

    “They’ll come for the content, but stay for community”

    • Tee up relationship building and collaboration within your community

    • Extract tangible numbers behind “feel-good” advantages

  • Create and monetize tiers of experience

    “Support where they are while creating opportunities to aspire to”

    • Create premium brand feel for various attendees or members by outsourcing their networking virtually and/or in person

    • Embed networking support from pre- to post- event or membership programming, from general admission to VIP

    • Ensure they feel special, walk away successful… and return


  • Customer journey + experience mapping

    • Know, without doubt, that customers / attendees / members are set up for success for virtual or in-person environments

  • Extract + inject your brand feel into your event, community or offer

    • Build in brand-centric elements to evangelize your community, and leave them feeling (and performing) exactly the way you want them to

  • Optimize your mastermind, event or community

    • Hone in on your unique advantage, leverage external resources to add layers of value, and ensure your people don’t just know your brand - they feel it.

Contact JC at to strategize a solution that fits your brand, objectives and community.


List them for free at so your tribe can find you faster!

About JC


From coordinating award programs and experiential marketing projects to consulting on strategic partnerships and influencer masterminds, JC Pelsey has a penchant for helping business communities go further by working together.

She has helped global brands and thought leaders distill their messaging and deepen the relationship with, and among, their communities through internal collaboration, strategic events and experience design (including EY, Anheuser-Busch InBev, professional sports teams, personal brands, startups and various masterminds).

Her venture mission is to eradicate entrepreneurial loneliness by making connection and collaboration more approachable, while helping thought leaders navigate connection at scale. Beyond individual client support, she founded the website platform Go Further Together in 2019, which serves as a concierge to masterminds, live events, Facebook groups and membership communities - ultimately, assisting entrepreneurs at every size and stage to find their tribes faster.

Leveraged value:

> Identifying and distilling unique brilliance, brand feel and existing gaps in current offers/experiences

> Integrating intentional, brand-led spin on experiences to foster an emotion-based memory and bond

> Curating high-touch events, retreats, and masterminds with immense attention to detail

> Optimizing connection at scale for large communities, events and award programs

> Forcing ROI through facilitating internal collaboration in B2B communities

> Translating value to different stakeholders and positioning win-wins for higher reach and contribution

> Partnership and collaboration strategy, from surfacing and selection to alignment and outreach

> Relationship building from a place of service

Additional passions:

> Cross-partnership strategy and sourcing across different types of business (i.e. large brand to startup/small business) and engaging your community

> Innovating through inspiration from adjacent or unlikely sources

> Contributing to efforts that a) eliminate loneliness, b) remind others of their undeniable importance, and c) reduce the struggle and failure rate of business owners

> Spending time on the waterfront, in culinary scenes, or hosting/cooking/pairing bites for friends & family

> Being a shameless and unwavering Cleveland sports fan :)